Indy Hip Hop World

"A setback is just a setup for a comeback." --from Bebe Moore Campbell's "72 Hour Hold"

Monday, February 20, 2012

VIDEO: The Narcicyst "Fly Over Egypt"

VIDEO: The Narcicyst "Fly Over Egypt"

Some of you may know that I live and work in Cairo, Egypt; been here since 2009.

The current atmosphere is more than sketchy. The tension builds up slowly and often erupts w/daily edition of rock throwing. I'll take rock throwing over mass killing every day like what's going on in Syria. But then Egypt had the Port Said tragedy last week. The country is heavy w/grief and frustration.

Don't recall how I discovered this track; I think it was on Zite on the iPad. But The Narcicyst pulls out a rock of his own - a solid production. Love the beats and of course he's got something to say in the lyrics. And let me be one of the first to say that the video captures the cultural essence of Egypt. My only quibble is that the vid lacks images of women.

The eeriest lyric on the track for me is: "I feel the winds of change." Because I feel the change, but then again, I don't. The feeling of change in the country has shifted dramatically since this time last year.

So hip hoppers show some love for Egyptians in their quest for freedom and democracy ... and then, keep showin some love. They'll be ignited by your global enthusiasm. kfox.

You can download The Narcicyst's "Fly Over Egypt" for free.

The Narcicyst "Fly Over Egypt"

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