Indy Hip Hop World

"A setback is just a setup for a comeback." --from Bebe Moore Campbell's "72 Hour Hold"

Friday, December 02, 2011

The Roots "undun"

The Roots "undun" (2011)

It's time for another Roots project. This time amid the album hype, there's a bit of controversy: The Roots walk on song on "Jimmy Fallon" for Congresswoman and Republican Presidential Candidate Michelle Bachmann. Questlove is feeling a bit remorseful behind that guttural decision.

But they're trying to get the dust up to settle and to get us back to thinking about the new project "undun," their concept album. Thanks to The Roots and NPR, you can stream the entire album. It's only 39 minutes, but I'll take that. I think it'll only be available to stream until the project is officially released and that's on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. 

Another item in The Roots' holiday gift basket to us is an app for "undun." I haven't purchased it yet, but it seems there are some vids, interviews and other exclusive material.
Time to get "undun" hip hoppers, but don't over do it ... kfox.

The first single from "undun" is "Make My".

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